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Decision Solutions for the 21st Century


Challenge: Allied Commander Transformation is a specialist division in NATO looking at new ways to improve decision making in support of the organisation’s senior decision makers. Specifically, ACT wanted to examine the impact on NATO military operations based upon the potential crises and consequences of urbanisation between now and 2035. The key objectives were to:

  • Understand the multi-dimensional nature of warfare in future urban settings

  • Consider of a range of operational and strategic approaches

  • Investigate the means by which NATO could deploy substantial joint force elements and enabling capabilities

  • Consider the legal and ethical considerations and constraints

Intervention: SFP was commissioned to facilitate a workshop with subject matter specialists drawn from member nations using our proprietary online software.

Outcome: The project was conducted successfully both in terms of producing outputs from the client model and more importantly eliciting favourable responses as to the process from the group of assembled NATO experts. Such validation by the ACT team led to the recommendation to integrate SFP analytical methodology with its set of decision-making processes. As a result, and for reasons of confidentiality and security, the client commissioned SFP to produce a secure stand-alone version of the software. This was delivered in the summer of 2015 by way of a licence. SFP is continuing to work with the client in developing client specific enhancements to the original system

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